In the past, STD awareness campaigns have been mainly aimed at the young. However, recent statistics have shown a dramatic rise in STDs in the over 50s, demonstrating that sexually transmitted diseases are not just a problem for the young, but can affect anyone, at any age.
In many ways, the sheer volume of safe sex advertising aimed at the 16-25 age group seems to have had the reverse effect on the older generation. Many over 50s now feel that this is an issue which no longer affects them.
But while many in this generation might not be aware of the growing problem, the medical community, press and health charities are trying to raise awareness. Read in full
In May 2012 Dr Fox commissioned a survey of 2000 women regarding Unprotected Sex particularly when on holiday – the results were surprising and widely reported in the national media including The Sun, Daily Star, Mail Online, More magazine and others, plus many more online news and blog sites.